Addiction Healing: 5 Steps in the Path to Recovery
The road to recovery is a different experience for each individual, which takes place in different phases or steps, before achieving the goal to rehab.
The initial phase is the stage of adjustments and changes of habits, which will be the basis to improve the quality of life and achieve the balance of a normal life, throughout the road of recovery, the addict will work, at the root of the problem, which led to addiction, you will gain self-confidence and strength to reach the goal of having a full life.
Honesty is important throughout the process of rehab to get to the root of the problem and the healing and recovery process is beneficial, using the right tools for each person.
Step 1. Accept the problem
Accept that you have the addiction at a deep level and that it is not enough to have the will to recover, having the attitude of openness to change, giving up the habit and making a deep commitment to stop the addiction, and radically change the thought of the past, thinking only in the forward direction.
When awareness is created and the negative consequences that addiction produces are accepted, it is when responsibility is accepted and the need for change is created.
Step 2. Find Help
The time has come to seek help, the will is not enough for recovery, the tools are needed, such as guidance and someone you can trust who has the skill and training to carry out the treatment, as well as tell the problem to family members, who will provide support, and positive pressure during treatment.
Step 3. Can be overcome
This addiction problem if it is possible to overcome, It should never be forgotten, you must keep that idea present all the time, with the firm conviction, that it will recover, even if it falls again you must maintain the strength and the will to continue Forward fighting if other people started that path and have achieved it, they will also achieve it, people with the same problem achieved a full life.
Step 4. Forgive yourself
In the recovery journey, it is essential that the person forgive himself for having fallen into drugs, so that guilt is not an obstacle that prevents recovery, even a relapse can be normal, it can create great frustration, but at the same time, it is a great opportunity to analyze why it was possible to have that relapse and treat that problem to continue with the recovery overcoming this obstacle.
Step 5. Create a fulfilling life
Creating a full life is possible with effort and will be the most important goal achieved. Improve self-esteem, having control of decisions, changing negative patterns for positive actions, which make the person feel valuable to their environment, with a new life plan.
A healthy and full life, with self-care, healing wounds, getting rest, and acquiring new habits to maintain sobriety, rebuilding your life, with solid foundations to avoid relapses, is possible.